Pour une raison qui m'échappe, je ne parviens plus à répondre aux commentaires. Je semble être pris dans un loop qui me ramène constamment au compte google.
Bravo Olivier pour ce bon travail. Plus nous serons nombreux à envoyer des lettres polies et bien ciblées, plus grandes seront nos chances de faire avancer les choses.
Je travaille d'ailleurs à la création d'une liste de courriels similaire, cette fois pour le Parlement Canadien.
Elle sera sans doute terminée à mon retour de Cuba, dans une semaine. Vacances bien méritées, je vous le jure!
Un blog pour les hommes modernes qui cherchent conseils et suggestions afin de mieux assumer leur antiféminisme et ainsi retrouver l'ataraxie masculine qui nous fait si cruellement défaut.

jeudi 26 mai 2011
samedi 21 mai 2011
Liste des courriels de TOUS les membres de l`Assemblée Nationale du Québec
Elle est à jour et *fonctionelle*- copier coller et vous pourrez contacter *tous* les membres de l`Assemblée Nationale simultanément. Parti au Pouvoir, Opposition Officielle, Ministres, Whips, Back-Benchers, Parti Méconnu- ils y sont tous à l' exception d'un seul- le Premier Ministre qui, bizarrement, n'a pas d'adresse courriel (que j'ai pu trouvée...)
Et ne vous gênez pas! Nos élus sont là pour NOUS servir, et pas l'inverse.
ministre@mddep.gouv.qc.ca,vauclair-vimo@assnat.qc.ca,jmaussant-niya@assnat.qc.ca- jean-martin aussant,cbachand-arth@assnat.qc.ca,line.beauchamp@mels.gouv.qc.ca,denise.beaudoin-mira@assnat.qc.ca,lbeaudoin-rose@assnat.qc.ca,sbedard@assnat.qc.ca,sbergeron-verc@assnat.qc.ca,lbergman-dmg@assnat.qc.ca,dbernard-rnt@assnat.qc.ca,rbernier-mont@assnat.qc.ca,pberube-matn@assnat.qc.ca,sbillette-hunt@assnat.qc.ca,m.blais@aines.gouv.qc.ca,yfblanchet-drum@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@msss.gouv.qc.ca,fbonnardel-shef@assnat.qc.ca,eaboucher-john@assnat.qc.ca,mbouille-iber@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mess.gouv.qc.ca,ecaire-lape@assnat.qc.ca,mcarriere-chap@assnat.qc.ca,presidentcabinet@assnat.qc.ca,nchampagne-chmp@assnat.qc.ca,fcharbonneau-miil@assnat.qc.ca,bcharette-demo@assnat.qc.ca,yvallieres-ricm@assnat.qc.ca,lcharlebois@assnat.qc.ca,gchevarie-idlm@assnat.qc.ca,acloutier-lsj@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.mapaq@mapaq.gouv.qc.ca,cabinet@sct.gouv.qc.ca,ccousineau-berr@assnat.qc.ca,pcurzi-bord@assnat.qc.ca,jdamour-rdl@assnat.qc.ca,gdeltell-chau@assnat.qc.ca,jpdiamond-mask@assnat.qc.ca,ddoyer-matp@assnat.qc.ca,bdrainville-mavi@assnat.qc.ca,adrolet-jele@assnat.qc.ca,edubourg-viau@assnat.qc.ca,marjolaindufour-rele@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@msp.gouv.qc.ca,lferland-unga@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@justice.gouv.qc.ca,cabinet@mri.gouv.qc.ca,mgaudreault-hull@assnat.qc.ca,sgaudreault-jonq@assnat.qc.ca,hfgautrin-verd@assnat.qc.ca,rgauvreau-grou@assnat.qc.ca,fgendron@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mdeie.gouv.qc.ca,ngirard-goui@assnat.qc.ca,jgonthier-meco@assnat.qc.ca,jgrondin@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mtq.gouv.qc.ca,vhivon-joli@assnat.qc.ca,fhoudapepin@assnat.qc.ca,phuot-vani@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.famille@mfa.gouv.qc.ca,ministre.autochtones@mce.gouv.qc.ca,akhadir-merc@assnat.qc.ca,mkotto-bour@assnat.qc.ca,lisette.lapointe-crem@assnat.qc.ca,guy.leclair-beau@assnat.qc.ca,clecuyer-pont@assnat.qc.ca,nleger-pat@assnat.qc.ca,glehouillier@assnat.qc.ca,mlemay-smsj@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mamrot.gouv.qc.ca,ministredelegue@mtq.gouv.qc.ca,mmalavoy-tail@assnat.qc.ca,amaltais-tasc@assnat.qc.ca,gmamelonet-gasp@assnat.qc.ca,nmarceau-rous@assnat.qc.ca,ymarcoux-vaud@assnat.qc.ca,pauline.marois@assnat.qc.ca,pmarsan-roba@assnat.qc.ca,mmatte@assnat.qc.ca,smckay-asso@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@tourisme.gouv.qc.ca,ministre.saic@mce.gouv.qc.ca,nmorin-mois@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca,martineouellet@assnat.qc.ca,gouellette-chom@assnat.qc.ca,fouimet-marq@assnat.qc.ca,spage@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.delegue@finances.gouv.qc.ca,pparadis-brmi@assnat.qc.ca,epelletier-sahy@assnat.qc.ca,ipelletier-rimo@assnat.qc.ca,mpicard-cdlc@assnat.qc.ca,mpigeon-chlb@assnat.qc.ca,cpinard-sama@assnat.qc.ca,cpoirier@assnat.qc.ca,dratthe-blai@assnat.qc.ca,frebello-lapr@assnat.qc.ca,preid-orfo@assnat.qc.ca,lorrainerichard-dupl@assnat.qc.ca,mrichard-mayo@assnat.qc.ca,grobert-prev@assnat.qc.ca,frotiroti-jmv@assnat.qc.ca,sylvieroy@assnat.qc.ca,andre.simard-kate@assnat.qc.ca,ministredelegue@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca,ssimard-ricl@assnat.qc.ca,gsklavounos-lado@assnat.qc.ca,dstamand-trri@assnat.qc.ca,bstarnaud-chmb@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mcccf.gouv.qc.ca,ministre@travail.gouv.qc.ca,ttomassi-lafo@assnat.qc.ca,mtraversy-terr@assnat.qc.ca,gtremblay-mass@assnat.qc.ca,dtrottier-robe@assnat.qc.ca,dave.turcotte-saje@assnat.qc.ca,svallee-gati@assnat.qc.ca,yvallieres-ricm@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.deleguee@msss.gouv.qc.ca,avilleneuve-berh@assnat.qc.ca,cabinet@micc.gouv.qc.ca,dwhissell-arge@assnat.qc.ca,
Et ne vous gênez pas! Nos élus sont là pour NOUS servir, et pas l'inverse.
ministre@mddep.gouv.qc.ca,vauclair-vimo@assnat.qc.ca,jmaussant-niya@assnat.qc.ca- jean-martin aussant,cbachand-arth@assnat.qc.ca,line.beauchamp@mels.gouv.qc.ca,denise.beaudoin-mira@assnat.qc.ca,lbeaudoin-rose@assnat.qc.ca,sbedard@assnat.qc.ca,sbergeron-verc@assnat.qc.ca,lbergman-dmg@assnat.qc.ca,dbernard-rnt@assnat.qc.ca,rbernier-mont@assnat.qc.ca,pberube-matn@assnat.qc.ca,sbillette-hunt@assnat.qc.ca,m.blais@aines.gouv.qc.ca,yfblanchet-drum@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@msss.gouv.qc.ca,fbonnardel-shef@assnat.qc.ca,eaboucher-john@assnat.qc.ca,mbouille-iber@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mess.gouv.qc.ca,ecaire-lape@assnat.qc.ca,mcarriere-chap@assnat.qc.ca,presidentcabinet@assnat.qc.ca,nchampagne-chmp@assnat.qc.ca,fcharbonneau-miil@assnat.qc.ca,bcharette-demo@assnat.qc.ca,yvallieres-ricm@assnat.qc.ca,lcharlebois@assnat.qc.ca,gchevarie-idlm@assnat.qc.ca,acloutier-lsj@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.mapaq@mapaq.gouv.qc.ca,cabinet@sct.gouv.qc.ca,ccousineau-berr@assnat.qc.ca,pcurzi-bord@assnat.qc.ca,jdamour-rdl@assnat.qc.ca,gdeltell-chau@assnat.qc.ca,jpdiamond-mask@assnat.qc.ca,ddoyer-matp@assnat.qc.ca,bdrainville-mavi@assnat.qc.ca,adrolet-jele@assnat.qc.ca,edubourg-viau@assnat.qc.ca,marjolaindufour-rele@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@msp.gouv.qc.ca,lferland-unga@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@justice.gouv.qc.ca,cabinet@mri.gouv.qc.ca,mgaudreault-hull@assnat.qc.ca,sgaudreault-jonq@assnat.qc.ca,hfgautrin-verd@assnat.qc.ca,rgauvreau-grou@assnat.qc.ca,fgendron@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mdeie.gouv.qc.ca,ngirard-goui@assnat.qc.ca,jgonthier-meco@assnat.qc.ca,jgrondin@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mtq.gouv.qc.ca,vhivon-joli@assnat.qc.ca,fhoudapepin@assnat.qc.ca,phuot-vani@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.famille@mfa.gouv.qc.ca,ministre.autochtones@mce.gouv.qc.ca,akhadir-merc@assnat.qc.ca,mkotto-bour@assnat.qc.ca,lisette.lapointe-crem@assnat.qc.ca,guy.leclair-beau@assnat.qc.ca,clecuyer-pont@assnat.qc.ca,nleger-pat@assnat.qc.ca,glehouillier@assnat.qc.ca,mlemay-smsj@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mamrot.gouv.qc.ca,ministredelegue@mtq.gouv.qc.ca,mmalavoy-tail@assnat.qc.ca,amaltais-tasc@assnat.qc.ca,gmamelonet-gasp@assnat.qc.ca,nmarceau-rous@assnat.qc.ca,ymarcoux-vaud@assnat.qc.ca,pauline.marois@assnat.qc.ca,pmarsan-roba@assnat.qc.ca,mmatte@assnat.qc.ca,smckay-asso@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@tourisme.gouv.qc.ca,ministre.saic@mce.gouv.qc.ca,nmorin-mois@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca,martineouellet@assnat.qc.ca,gouellette-chom@assnat.qc.ca,fouimet-marq@assnat.qc.ca,spage@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.delegue@finances.gouv.qc.ca,pparadis-brmi@assnat.qc.ca,epelletier-sahy@assnat.qc.ca,ipelletier-rimo@assnat.qc.ca,mpicard-cdlc@assnat.qc.ca,mpigeon-chlb@assnat.qc.ca,cpinard-sama@assnat.qc.ca,cpoirier@assnat.qc.ca,dratthe-blai@assnat.qc.ca,frebello-lapr@assnat.qc.ca,preid-orfo@assnat.qc.ca,lorrainerichard-dupl@assnat.qc.ca,mrichard-mayo@assnat.qc.ca,grobert-prev@assnat.qc.ca,frotiroti-jmv@assnat.qc.ca,sylvieroy@assnat.qc.ca,andre.simard-kate@assnat.qc.ca,ministredelegue@mrnf.gouv.qc.ca,ssimard-ricl@assnat.qc.ca,gsklavounos-lado@assnat.qc.ca,dstamand-trri@assnat.qc.ca,bstarnaud-chmb@assnat.qc.ca,ministre@mcccf.gouv.qc.ca,ministre@travail.gouv.qc.ca,ttomassi-lafo@assnat.qc.ca,mtraversy-terr@assnat.qc.ca,gtremblay-mass@assnat.qc.ca,dtrottier-robe@assnat.qc.ca,dave.turcotte-saje@assnat.qc.ca,svallee-gati@assnat.qc.ca,yvallieres-ricm@assnat.qc.ca,ministre.deleguee@msss.gouv.qc.ca,avilleneuve-berh@assnat.qc.ca,cabinet@micc.gouv.qc.ca,dwhissell-arge@assnat.qc.ca,
vendredi 20 mai 2011
Lettre a Marguerite Blais, Ministre de la Famille et des Ainés
Madame la Ministre.
Je vous écrit aujourd`hui avec la certitude que le gouvernement du Québec, et plus particulièrement votre Ministère, sont prêts à prendre les moyens nécessaires afin d`enrayer la vague de crimes familiaux qui s`abat sur notre société et dont les victimes sont trop souvent des enfants.
Le procès de Guy Turcotte, hautement médiatisé, aura été pour moi la goutte proverbiale qui a fait déborder le vase. Encore et encore, nous assistons impuissants à une dispute de couple où la garde des enfants - ou la perte de ceux-çi- semble être l`élément déclencheur des hostilités envers eux. Dans le cas de M Turcotte, à en croire son témoignage, sa conjointe l`aurait menacé de s`enfuir loin de lui et de changer le nom de famille des enfants, ce qui aurait peut-être poussé l`homme à commettre l`irréparable.
Mais il n`y a là rien de bien nouveau. A Barrie, en Ontario, Mme Francis Helen Campione noie ses deux filles par crainte d`en perdre la garde au profit de leur père. James Bing Louie, en Alberta, même chose, cette fois au profit de la mère. Louise Desnoyers aussi commet l`irréparable, noyant son fils dans le lac Champlain, suite à la dissolution de son union.
Et nous ne parlons ici que de cas canadiens récents. De par le monde- E.U., Grande-Bretagne, France, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, etc...- la tendance est la même: dès qu, un parent, homme ou femme, préssent que la Loi l`empêchera d`avoir accès à ses enfants, la rupture tourne top souvent à l`horreur et d`innocentes petites victimes font la une des journaux, à notre désarroi grandissant.
Madame la Ministre, le Québec possède un moyen de contrer cette tendance; de sauver la vie de plusieurs enfants etd`empêcher l`incarcération de parents si troublés, si anxieux et si désespérés qu`ils ne voient aucune lueur au bout du tunnel et qui, dans leur désespoir, préfèrent une finalité à une autre : la mort plutôt que la perte.
Une loi sur l`équité parentale, stipulant clairement que, en accord avec la constitution québecoise qui ré-affirmait dernièrement la primauté de l`égalité homme-femme, chaque parent serait assuré d`un accès similaire et automatique à sa progéniture en cas de divorce ou séparation. Une loi qui guarantirait un accès et une présence équitable- 50/50- dans la vie des enfants. Une loi qui reconnaitrait l`apport essentiel des deux parents, mère et père, dans la formation de futurs citoyens. Une loi qui respecterait non seulement le droit des enfants à un accès à leurs deux parents et tout ce qu`ils ont à leur offrir mais aussi le droit de chacun des parent envers leur propre progéniture.
Cette loi recèlerait le pouvoir de calmer les esprits et les coeurs meurtris; elle assurerait pères et mères que leur divorce ou séparation ne signifie pas la perte de leurs enfants et l`isolement- voire le désespoir- affectif qui en résulte. Elle le conforterait avec son assurance que, malgré la dissolution de leur union et la perte d`une relation chérie, une autre relation, celle d`un parent envers son enfant, ne connaitrait pas le même sort. Que malgré la tourmente d`une relation amoureuse qui se meurt, la relation parentale, elle, n`aura pas à subir le même sort!
Madame la Ministre, mes questions sont les suivantes: 1) Pourquoi n`existe t-il pas au Québec un loi qui assure d`emblée aux hommes et aux femmes un accès équitable à leurs propre progéniture? 2) Pourquoi met-on encore la vie des enfants (et des conjoints/tes) en danger sachant que cet accès est si souvent vital à leur survie? 3) Que fait le Ministère à la Famille pour enrayer cette vague de meurtre directement liés à la crainte des parents de ne plus faire partie de la vie de leurs enfants? 4) Le Ministère à la Famille prévoit-il, au moins, enquêter sur le sujet; former un commité qui investiguera le phénomène et présentera des recommendations?
L`enfant, on ne le dira jamais assez, est l`élément humain le plus vulnérable de toute société. Sans lui, le Québec (le monde, l`Univers!) n`a aucun futur. Le procès de Guy Turcotte- et la perte incommensurable des petits anges qui étaient ses enfants- nous ramènent tous, en tant que peuple, à une question simple bien qu`incontournable: aurions-nous pus l`éviter?
Je crois que si Madame la Ministre. Je crois fermement que si le Québec était doté d`une Loi sur l`Équité Parentale; que si tous les parents québecois se voyaient assurés par leur gouvernement que les seules batailles en cours seraient celles qui résulteraient d`accusations criminelles, et non celles résultant de la dissolution d`une union, plusieurs de nos enfants n`auraient pas à voir leur nom orné d`une épitaphe aujourd`hui.
Le Ministère de la Famille du Québec a t-il, oui ou non, l`intention d`au moins essayer de sauver nos enfants?
Martin Malthus
Montréal, Québec, Canada
lundi 16 mai 2011
Premiere réponse à ma lettre
Eh bien. La première barrière est passée. Au lieu de simplement me remercier d`avoir communiqué, l`agent de communication semble avoir décidé que le contenu de la missive valait la peine d`être mis sous le regard du Ministre de la Justice ... Stay tuned!- Malthus
Office of the Prime Minister / Cabinet du Premier ministre
TO: You 1 recipients
CC: 1 recipientYou 1 More
Dear Mr. Malthus:
On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.
Please be assured that your comments have been carefully reviewed. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to the Honourable Robert Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, for his information.
Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister.
S. Russell
Executive Correspondence Officer
Agent de correspondance
de la haute direction
On behalf of the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.
Please be assured that your comments have been carefully reviewed. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your e-mail to the Honourable Robert Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, for his information.
Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister.
S. Russell
Executive Correspondence Officer
Agent de correspondance
de la haute direction
samedi 14 mai 2011
Lettre au Premier Ministre Stephen Harper
Je joins ici la copie intégrale d'une lettre que j'ai fait parvenir aujourd`hui à notre Premier Ministre, Stephen Harper, et que je peux résumer simplement pour ceux qui ne lisent pas l'anglais: votre gouvernement a t-il l`intention soit a) d`étudier l`impact qu`a la technologie de communication moderne sur la présomption d`innocence d`un accusé et son droit à un procès équitable ou b) de légiférer à ce sujet (afin d`empêcher une presse fauve de ruiner ces droits en sur-médiatisant la moindre mise en accusation)?
En espérant recevoir une réponse...
Dear M Harper,
First, allow me to congratulate you on winning your recent election. I voted for you and even though the NDP won in my riding- Laurier-Ste-Marie- I am pleased with the overall results which should allow you to govern unimpeded for the next 4 years.
I am writing to you today because I am growing increasingly concerned with an issue pertaining to fundamental, constitutional rights- namely, the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial. More specifically, the presumption of innocence with regards to (alleged) sexual offenses such as rape, statutory rape, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, indecent exposure, child pornography, pedophilia, etc... and any violent crimes commited against children.
In recent years, Canadians have become increasingly intolerant of these types of crime and much less inclined to forgive the parties involved whether they are found guilty or not . For the guilty, harsher, automatic sentences are now the norm, public awareness is at an all-time high when they are released, law enforcement agencies keep track of them - that is all good and fine. Canada should never be seen as soft and/or lenient with these violent criminals.
My concern, M Prime Minister, is not so much about how harshly we treat or condemn guilty parties but rather about how current intolerance for these crimes and society's ever sharper technologies combine in eroding to the point of dissappearance the presumption of innocence of the accused. With the rise of social networks such as facebook, myspace, twitter and the likes; 24 hrs newscasts, intelligent phones that instantly connects its user to the above and lightspeed communications available in just about every home, no matter how remote, it is now virtually impossible for an accused not to fall into public eye... and its near automatic, knee-jerk condemnation.
In the last year alone, here in Québec, numerous cases of false accusations paired to intense media attention have wrecked men`s lives perhaps forever (Yohann Dumas and Henri Fournier, most notably; death threats were even issued to M Fournier because everyone knew who he was and was he was being accused of- all false, it turned out) while others have gotten so much media coverage prior to trial (cardiologist Guy Turcotte, for example) and with such a spread of personal details it is highly doubtful, at least in my mind, that the selected jury was fair and unbiased before his (ongoing) trial even started. Another ongoing case, that of author Maxime Roussy accused of sexual assault on one of is teenage fan, has received so much media attention, complete with full blown picture, bio, dates, location and "comments" by the peanut gallery (people wo have absolutely noting to do with the facts related to the case or its investigation), it is again highly doubtful M Roussy`s right to a fair trial even exists anymore.
There is increasing evidence that it will become more and more difficult to find juries who have not heard of a case prior to trial and, given the aforementioned growing intolerance and outrage regarding sex crimes and crimes committed against children, find juries who do not hold some views about the case and/or the accused before having heard any of the facts pertaining to the case. The information age, in short, poses a great threat to the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence- both of which are cornerstones of constitutional due process.
I personally fear this trend where, because of mass media frenzy bordering in some cases on voyeurism, merely being accused of something spells out instant punitive retribution from the mob (loss of job and contracts, insults and death threats, smear campaigns and hate mail- all because the media plaster your face and data all over the place) and your fundamental rights are shaken to the core because everyone in your trial already has plenty of "infos" on your case, you, your life, your family and what-not.
My question to you, M Prime Minister, is the following: does the Conservative Party of Canada entertain any intention to either a) study the impact of modern communication technology on due process or b) legislate on this matter? Is it conceivable to your government that, in order to protect the constitutional right of a citizen to a fair trial and insure one's presumption of innocence, both in court AND in society, that some sort of journalistic gag law could be passed to protect the identity of an accused until- and only until- said accused is found guilty (at which point all information could and should be released to the general public) ?
I hope you will give these questions, and the topic they pertain to, the consideration they deserve for in a society governed by the rule of Law, nothing is more important than to insure said Law , and the spirit in which it was laid down, does not fall prey to trends, technology or laissez-faire.
Thank you for your time and again, congratulations on your recent win
Martin Malthus
Montréal, Québec, Canada
En espérant recevoir une réponse...
Dear M Harper,
First, allow me to congratulate you on winning your recent election. I voted for you and even though the NDP won in my riding- Laurier-Ste-Marie- I am pleased with the overall results which should allow you to govern unimpeded for the next 4 years.
I am writing to you today because I am growing increasingly concerned with an issue pertaining to fundamental, constitutional rights- namely, the presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial. More specifically, the presumption of innocence with regards to (alleged) sexual offenses such as rape, statutory rape, sexual assault, sexual misconduct, indecent exposure, child pornography, pedophilia, etc... and any violent crimes commited against children.
In recent years, Canadians have become increasingly intolerant of these types of crime and much less inclined to forgive the parties involved whether they are found guilty or not . For the guilty, harsher, automatic sentences are now the norm, public awareness is at an all-time high when they are released, law enforcement agencies keep track of them - that is all good and fine. Canada should never be seen as soft and/or lenient with these violent criminals.
My concern, M Prime Minister, is not so much about how harshly we treat or condemn guilty parties but rather about how current intolerance for these crimes and society's ever sharper technologies combine in eroding to the point of dissappearance the presumption of innocence of the accused. With the rise of social networks such as facebook, myspace, twitter and the likes; 24 hrs newscasts, intelligent phones that instantly connects its user to the above and lightspeed communications available in just about every home, no matter how remote, it is now virtually impossible for an accused not to fall into public eye... and its near automatic, knee-jerk condemnation.
In the last year alone, here in Québec, numerous cases of false accusations paired to intense media attention have wrecked men`s lives perhaps forever (Yohann Dumas and Henri Fournier, most notably; death threats were even issued to M Fournier because everyone knew who he was and was he was being accused of- all false, it turned out) while others have gotten so much media coverage prior to trial (cardiologist Guy Turcotte, for example) and with such a spread of personal details it is highly doubtful, at least in my mind, that the selected jury was fair and unbiased before his (ongoing) trial even started. Another ongoing case, that of author Maxime Roussy accused of sexual assault on one of is teenage fan, has received so much media attention, complete with full blown picture, bio, dates, location and "comments" by the peanut gallery (people wo have absolutely noting to do with the facts related to the case or its investigation), it is again highly doubtful M Roussy`s right to a fair trial even exists anymore.
There is increasing evidence that it will become more and more difficult to find juries who have not heard of a case prior to trial and, given the aforementioned growing intolerance and outrage regarding sex crimes and crimes committed against children, find juries who do not hold some views about the case and/or the accused before having heard any of the facts pertaining to the case. The information age, in short, poses a great threat to the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence- both of which are cornerstones of constitutional due process.
I personally fear this trend where, because of mass media frenzy bordering in some cases on voyeurism, merely being accused of something spells out instant punitive retribution from the mob (loss of job and contracts, insults and death threats, smear campaigns and hate mail- all because the media plaster your face and data all over the place) and your fundamental rights are shaken to the core because everyone in your trial already has plenty of "infos" on your case, you, your life, your family and what-not.
My question to you, M Prime Minister, is the following: does the Conservative Party of Canada entertain any intention to either a) study the impact of modern communication technology on due process or b) legislate on this matter? Is it conceivable to your government that, in order to protect the constitutional right of a citizen to a fair trial and insure one's presumption of innocence, both in court AND in society, that some sort of journalistic gag law could be passed to protect the identity of an accused until- and only until- said accused is found guilty (at which point all information could and should be released to the general public) ?
I hope you will give these questions, and the topic they pertain to, the consideration they deserve for in a society governed by the rule of Law, nothing is more important than to insure said Law , and the spirit in which it was laid down, does not fall prey to trends, technology or laissez-faire.
Thank you for your time and again, congratulations on your recent win
Martin Malthus
Montréal, Québec, Canada
vendredi 13 mai 2011
Solidarité masculine oblige
Note de Malthus- Je reproduis içi un appel a l'aide d'un masculiste américain, Paul Elam, pour faire cesser une chasse aux sorciers en regle de la part d'une procureure enragée et vindicative. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus a ce sujet en cliquant sur l'hyperlien ci-bas ou en cliquant sur l'onglet Blogtalkradio du blog, en haut, a droite.
The Movement to Disbar Mary N. Kellett
by Denis » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:21 pm
http://www.avoiceformen.com/2011/03/29/ ... n-kellett/
by Paul Elam
[Special note: I urge and implore all bloggers, anywhere on the internet, to reprint this article in its entirety with a link back to this page. Please help me get this event in front of as many eyes as possible. Thank you – PE]
There are often times that we shake our heads at injustices in the world. Sometimes it seems to be all we can do. And with so many problems in modern life, and their often systemic, intractable nature, it can be difficult to choose what battles to fight and when. Because of this we have increasingly become a nation of head shakers, concerned about an array of injustices but often not knowing where to turn or what to do to solve them.
With that in mind we have an opportunity, right here and now, to face down and fight against a terrible injustice, an absolute evil, going on in the state of Maine.
Vladek Filler is about to face trial for a second time on the charge of raping his wife, Ligia. He was brought to trial the first time by Bar Harbor prosecutor Mary N. Kellett, who has sought to imprison Mr. Filler despite the fact that she knows that there is no physical evidence that he ever committed a crime, and despite the fact that his accuser Ligia Filler, has proven to be a violent criminal, a liar who has been caught in false allegations against her husband, and a physical and emotional abuser of her husband and children with a history of severe psychiatric problems.
Ligia Filler has been referred to as “certifiable” by sheriff’s department personnel who she repeatedly threatened to kill.
Mary Kellett’s professional conduct in this case breeches virtually all canons of legal ethics where it concerns prosecutors, from intentionally misleading jurors to avoiding pretrial discovery to actually asking a law enforcement officer to refuse to comply with a valid subpoena in order to help her conceal exculpatory evidence.
All of this, and many other similar cases, have been conducted under the supervision of Bar Harbor, Maine, District Attorney Carletta Bassano, leading to the almost unavoidable conclusion that the problem is not just one rogue prosecutor, but one in which District Attorney Bassano is an enabling accomplice.
Additionally, all of these events have transpired without so much as raising an eyebrow in local news media.
Given the complicity of her supervisor and the lack of attention by local media, Kellet appears emboldened to continue this reign of terror on the life of Vladek Filler, his children, and other innocents who reside in the community Kellett is supposed to protect.
After having Filler’s first conviction overturned by the Maine Supreme Court, due to her own prosecutorial misconduct, she is coming after him again, putting him through another trial on the same slipshod evidence.
Kellett is not pursuing justice; she is making a mockery of it in ways that border on criminality. She is out of control and no one with authority over her is doing anything about it.
And given the hubris demonstrated by her actions, it is clear she feels free to proceed with impunity.
We cannot, must not, allow this to happen.
This is a battle worth choosing to fight, and A Voice for Men is not the only place that is happening. Glenn Sacks at Father’s and Families, the nation’s leader in father’s rights advocacy is speaking out about this story. You can also read about it at The False Rape Society. This article will also be running at the-spearhead.com, with thanks to our good friend Mr. W.F. Price.
The organization Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (S.A.V.E.) has taken an even more significant action, sending a Complaint for the Disbarment of Prosecutor Mary Kellett to the Maine Board of Overseers for the Bar.
They have also authored a letter to Paul LePage, the Governor of Maine, referencing the disbarment complaint and making an appeal for an intervention on Mary Kellett on behalf of Vladek Filler and the people of Maine.
And you can do your part.
Write Governor LePage here and respectfully insist on an investigation to the practices of Mary N. Kellett. The message can be as simple as. “For the sake of justice, please assure that Mary Kellett is relieved of her prosecutorial duties and disbarred from the practice of law.”
Write the Board of overseers for the Bar here, and insist that they respond to the allegations against Kellett with an investigation.
Lastly, try to get the media involved. Bill Trotter does crime reporting for the Bangor Daily News. You can write email him at btrotter@bangordailynews.com or phone him at 207-460-6318 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 207-460-6318 end_of_the_skype_highlighting and ask him to consider investigating this story. This is a very important step as media attention will require political attention and action of some kind.
Don’t wait for others to do this, please, or think that just one person calling and writing is enough. That would be a fatal mistake.
When you have done one or all the suggestions listed here, please come back to this thread and simply put the word “done” in the comments, wherever you are reading this.
What is happening in Maine is only a microcosm of what is happening across the western world. So regardless of where you live, your insistent message to one or all of these people can help force them to consider looking in to Kellett’s activities. And make no mistake about it, Kellett’s actions, if unchecked, are a forecast of own future. We know this is a witch hunt, but because most are ignoring it, it will spread. If we take this silently, we have lost in the most tragic and disgraceful of ways.
This is a fight worth fighting, people. If you are reading this, you could be another Vladek Filler, or someone who cares about him. Your children could be hurt the same way his children have. And your freedom, even if seemingly secure today, cannot be assured for tomorrow as long as the likes of Mary Kellett are allowed to practice predatory prosecutions against innocent human beings.
And If she is allowed to build a career on doing this, there will be nothing to stop the same from happening where you live.
It is your future, and your move.
[Addendum: A Voice for Men Radio is doing a one hour special on this tonight, March 29, 2011 at 9:00 p.m. EST. You can listen to the show live, or the archives are always available in the sidebar at avoiceformen.com. immediately following the program.]
by Denis » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:21 pm
http://www.avoiceformen.com/2011/03/29/ ... n-kellett/
by Paul Elam
[Special note: I urge and implore all bloggers, anywhere on the internet, to reprint this article in its entirety with a link back to this page. Please help me get this event in front of as many eyes as possible. Thank you – PE]
There are often times that we shake our heads at injustices in the world. Sometimes it seems to be all we can do. And with so many problems in modern life, and their often systemic, intractable nature, it can be difficult to choose what battles to fight and when. Because of this we have increasingly become a nation of head shakers, concerned about an array of injustices but often not knowing where to turn or what to do to solve them.
With that in mind we have an opportunity, right here and now, to face down and fight against a terrible injustice, an absolute evil, going on in the state of Maine.
Vladek Filler is about to face trial for a second time on the charge of raping his wife, Ligia. He was brought to trial the first time by Bar Harbor prosecutor Mary N. Kellett, who has sought to imprison Mr. Filler despite the fact that she knows that there is no physical evidence that he ever committed a crime, and despite the fact that his accuser Ligia Filler, has proven to be a violent criminal, a liar who has been caught in false allegations against her husband, and a physical and emotional abuser of her husband and children with a history of severe psychiatric problems.
Ligia Filler has been referred to as “certifiable” by sheriff’s department personnel who she repeatedly threatened to kill.
Mary Kellett’s professional conduct in this case breeches virtually all canons of legal ethics where it concerns prosecutors, from intentionally misleading jurors to avoiding pretrial discovery to actually asking a law enforcement officer to refuse to comply with a valid subpoena in order to help her conceal exculpatory evidence.
All of this, and many other similar cases, have been conducted under the supervision of Bar Harbor, Maine, District Attorney Carletta Bassano, leading to the almost unavoidable conclusion that the problem is not just one rogue prosecutor, but one in which District Attorney Bassano is an enabling accomplice.
Additionally, all of these events have transpired without so much as raising an eyebrow in local news media.
Given the complicity of her supervisor and the lack of attention by local media, Kellet appears emboldened to continue this reign of terror on the life of Vladek Filler, his children, and other innocents who reside in the community Kellett is supposed to protect.
After having Filler’s first conviction overturned by the Maine Supreme Court, due to her own prosecutorial misconduct, she is coming after him again, putting him through another trial on the same slipshod evidence.
Kellett is not pursuing justice; she is making a mockery of it in ways that border on criminality. She is out of control and no one with authority over her is doing anything about it.
And given the hubris demonstrated by her actions, it is clear she feels free to proceed with impunity.
We cannot, must not, allow this to happen.
This is a battle worth choosing to fight, and A Voice for Men is not the only place that is happening. Glenn Sacks at Father’s and Families, the nation’s leader in father’s rights advocacy is speaking out about this story. You can also read about it at The False Rape Society. This article will also be running at the-spearhead.com, with thanks to our good friend Mr. W.F. Price.
The organization Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (S.A.V.E.) has taken an even more significant action, sending a Complaint for the Disbarment of Prosecutor Mary Kellett to the Maine Board of Overseers for the Bar.
They have also authored a letter to Paul LePage, the Governor of Maine, referencing the disbarment complaint and making an appeal for an intervention on Mary Kellett on behalf of Vladek Filler and the people of Maine.
And you can do your part.
Write Governor LePage here and respectfully insist on an investigation to the practices of Mary N. Kellett. The message can be as simple as. “For the sake of justice, please assure that Mary Kellett is relieved of her prosecutorial duties and disbarred from the practice of law.”
Write the Board of overseers for the Bar here, and insist that they respond to the allegations against Kellett with an investigation.
Lastly, try to get the media involved. Bill Trotter does crime reporting for the Bangor Daily News. You can write email him at btrotter@bangordailynews.com or phone him at 207-460-6318 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 207-460-6318 end_of_the_skype_highlighting and ask him to consider investigating this story. This is a very important step as media attention will require political attention and action of some kind.
Don’t wait for others to do this, please, or think that just one person calling and writing is enough. That would be a fatal mistake.
When you have done one or all the suggestions listed here, please come back to this thread and simply put the word “done” in the comments, wherever you are reading this.
What is happening in Maine is only a microcosm of what is happening across the western world. So regardless of where you live, your insistent message to one or all of these people can help force them to consider looking in to Kellett’s activities. And make no mistake about it, Kellett’s actions, if unchecked, are a forecast of own future. We know this is a witch hunt, but because most are ignoring it, it will spread. If we take this silently, we have lost in the most tragic and disgraceful of ways.
This is a fight worth fighting, people. If you are reading this, you could be another Vladek Filler, or someone who cares about him. Your children could be hurt the same way his children have. And your freedom, even if seemingly secure today, cannot be assured for tomorrow as long as the likes of Mary Kellett are allowed to practice predatory prosecutions against innocent human beings.
And If she is allowed to build a career on doing this, there will be nothing to stop the same from happening where you live.
It is your future, and your move.
[Addendum: A Voice for Men Radio is doing a one hour special on this tonight, March 29, 2011 at 9:00 p.m. EST. You can listen to the show live, or the archives are always available in the sidebar at avoiceformen.com. immediately following the program.]
mardi 3 mai 2011
Savoureuses élections
Les Québecois se sont enfin débarassés du Bloc Québecois et de son insipide chef et les Canadiens ont clairement exprimés une tendence qui devrait réjouir tous les masculistes et antiféministes d`un océan à l`autre: à droite toute!
Rappelons que c`est Stephen Harper et son gouvernement minoritaire qui n`a pas eu peur de couper ou drastiquement réduire les vivres à plusieurs organismes féministes tels: LEAF (women`s Legal Education and Action Fund- un organisme subventionné presqu`à 100% par le fédéral et permettant aux féministes de lobbyer pour plus de gain et/ou trainer le gouvernement en cours lorsqu`elles n`obtiennent pas ce qu`elles veulent); la FFQ (Fedration des Femmes du Québec- ou comme je me plais à les nommer les Folles Furieuses du Québec)- organisme dépassé et si peu en contact avec les réalités modernes que même la ministre de la condition féminine Christine St-Pierre ne fait aucun effort pour les aider; NAWAL (National Association of Women and the Law) qui gobait 300,000$ annuellement afin de nourrir 4 feministes pour (re)produire (année apres années) la même propagande victimaire émise depuis des décennies; Reseau Action Femmes; Satus of Women Canada; Women`s Innovative Justice Initiative; Workplace Equity/Employment Equity Program; International Planned Parenthood Association; Réseau Régionale de Tables de Groupes de Femmes du Québec ; Sisters in Spirit (lol!); Tri-Country Women`s Advancement Society; Action Travail des Femmes; Conseil d`Intervention pour l`Accès des Femmes au Travail; Feminists for Just and Equitable Public Policy et j`en passe!
Qu`on aime on n`aime pas Stephen Harper, force nous est d`admettre que c`est LE SEUL politicien canadien qui ne craint pas la machine féministe et n`a pas froid au yeux lorsque vient le temps de leur damer le pion! Avoir un antiféministe au pouvoir, c`est de bonne augure pour les hommes.
Mieux encore- du fait qu`il ait si allègrement sabré dans les fonds féministes sans encourir le moindre backlash politique (au contraire, on lui à donné son premier gouvernement majoritaire en guise de remerciement pour ses bons services) celà en dit très long sur l`absence d`un véritable pouvoir féministe, le désintéressement profonds des femmes envers les chialeuse professionelles et subventionnées et la volonté générale d`arrêter l`hémorrhagie gauchiste qui cherche à toujours gonfler l`Étât, multiplier programmes et fonctionnaires et dilapider notre sueur et notre temps (nos taxes) vers les poches et les sacoches de tout ceux et celles avec la main tendue.
Une lecture claire des dernières élections fédérales nous indique ceci: les féministes ne sont plus à craindre. La population s`en moque.
Les Québecois se sont enfin débarassés du Bloc Québecois et de son insipide chef et les Canadiens ont clairement exprimés une tendence qui devrait réjouir tous les masculistes et antiféministes d`un océan à l`autre: à droite toute!
Rappelons que c`est Stephen Harper et son gouvernement minoritaire qui n`a pas eu peur de couper ou drastiquement réduire les vivres à plusieurs organismes féministes tels: LEAF (women`s Legal Education and Action Fund- un organisme subventionné presqu`à 100% par le fédéral et permettant aux féministes de lobbyer pour plus de gain et/ou trainer le gouvernement en cours lorsqu`elles n`obtiennent pas ce qu`elles veulent); la FFQ (Fedration des Femmes du Québec- ou comme je me plais à les nommer les Folles Furieuses du Québec)- organisme dépassé et si peu en contact avec les réalités modernes que même la ministre de la condition féminine Christine St-Pierre ne fait aucun effort pour les aider; NAWAL (National Association of Women and the Law) qui gobait 300,000$ annuellement afin de nourrir 4 feministes pour (re)produire (année apres années) la même propagande victimaire émise depuis des décennies; Reseau Action Femmes; Satus of Women Canada; Women`s Innovative Justice Initiative; Workplace Equity/Employment Equity Program; International Planned Parenthood Association; Réseau Régionale de Tables de Groupes de Femmes du Québec ; Sisters in Spirit (lol!); Tri-Country Women`s Advancement Society; Action Travail des Femmes; Conseil d`Intervention pour l`Accès des Femmes au Travail; Feminists for Just and Equitable Public Policy et j`en passe!
Qu`on aime on n`aime pas Stephen Harper, force nous est d`admettre que c`est LE SEUL politicien canadien qui ne craint pas la machine féministe et n`a pas froid au yeux lorsque vient le temps de leur damer le pion! Avoir un antiféministe au pouvoir, c`est de bonne augure pour les hommes.
Mieux encore- du fait qu`il ait si allègrement sabré dans les fonds féministes sans encourir le moindre backlash politique (au contraire, on lui à donné son premier gouvernement majoritaire en guise de remerciement pour ses bons services) celà en dit très long sur l`absence d`un véritable pouvoir féministe, le désintéressement profonds des femmes envers les chialeuse professionelles et subventionnées et la volonté générale d`arrêter l`hémorrhagie gauchiste qui cherche à toujours gonfler l`Étât, multiplier programmes et fonctionnaires et dilapider notre sueur et notre temps (nos taxes) vers les poches et les sacoches de tout ceux et celles avec la main tendue.
Une lecture claire des dernières élections fédérales nous indique ceci: les féministes ne sont plus à craindre. La population s`en moque.
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4 ans de plein pouvoir à l`antiféminisme. Hourra! |
dimanche 1 mai 2011
Un homme arrêté pour avoir joué Kung Fu fighting
L`horloge orwelienne continue de se rapprocher de minuit- moment sinistre où l`Étât dictera aux citoyens ce qui peut être dit (ou chanté) ou la facon dont nous devrons moduler notre voix (afin de ne pas effrayer certaines personnes aux émotions fragiles)
Un chanteur de bar arrêté et criminellement chargé de harcèlement raciale grave pour avoir osé chanté un des plus gros tubes du disco - Kung Fu Fighting!?!
La haine de l`homme et l`hystérie collective de protéger les petites émotions de tout le monde n`a officiellement plus aucune limite.
Marchez droit, ne regardez pas une femme dans les yeux ( harcèlement sexuel si elle juge que vous l`avez regardé de facon lascive ou trop longuement), ne chantez plus que la Ballade des Gens Heureux si vous voulez demeuré libre et priez qu`on ne vous conscripte pas pour aller mourir pour votre pays.
L`horloge orwelienne continue de se rapprocher de minuit- moment sinistre où l`Étât dictera aux citoyens ce qui peut être dit (ou chanté) ou la facon dont nous devrons moduler notre voix (afin de ne pas effrayer certaines personnes aux émotions fragiles)
Un chanteur de bar arrêté et criminellement chargé de harcèlement raciale grave pour avoir osé chanté un des plus gros tubes du disco - Kung Fu Fighting!?!
La haine de l`homme et l`hystérie collective de protéger les petites émotions de tout le monde n`a officiellement plus aucune limite.
Marchez droit, ne regardez pas une femme dans les yeux ( harcèlement sexuel si elle juge que vous l`avez regardé de facon lascive ou trop longuement), ne chantez plus que la Ballade des Gens Heureux si vous voulez demeuré libre et priez qu`on ne vous conscripte pas pour aller mourir pour votre pays.
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Simon Ledger- grand coupable de l`attaque atroce commise contre les chinois. | <><> >>
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